Sunday, September 2, 2007

Raising Jennifer

The other day I watched Raising Helen and for the first time reacted as Kate Hudson's character did while facing the choice to either raise kids or continue her fast- paced social whirlwind of a lifestyle. Although I am not a Manhattan fashion-ite like Ms. Kate (which, side note, should really look at settling down with Owen- hasn't he been through enough? She looks so much better being with him than her rock-n-roll ex, Chris Robinson) (also, 2nd side note- Kate is EXACTLY one month younger than me!!! She was born April 19th, 1979!! How crazy is that?? Ok- back to my point...) I enjoy having a full calendar. In any case, the movie sat heavy on my heart as I contemplate raising a child. I find the neatest, and at the same time perplexing, part is when I realize that I may one day be living for something beyond myself and beyond my needs and my wants...

For those keeping track, Kansas City, M(O!) is continuing to look like the strongest choice as to where Chris and I will move to in the near future. It's now all about getting my mother on board. This will be the first time one of her children will leave the nest we like to call Omaha. I know she'll get through it- my mom's a very strong person, but I want her to encourage me to go. Right now she's not there.

Today's sermon at Trinity was very poignant to Chris and I, although in different ways. The message was about spiritual maturity and it was about truly focusing on our spirit vs. the body or soul. It was about plugging in our spirit to the holy spirit and strengthening it beyond what our body (aka. the natural realm) or our soul (aka. our influences, personality, logic) is in us. HE talked a lot about faith- giving our questions about the future over to him and just having faith that it will work out. Of course for Chris, he took the message in over the question as to location and job choice and realized that having faith means the decision is not one Christ wants to 'keep' from us, but one he will make known to him, and give him peace about very soon. As for myself, it was about the choice to get off birth control and that although everything/ everyone tells me this is NOT the right time (upcoming new things in my life: 1. new location, 2. new job, 3. new home, 4. new level of income and all the concerns that come with it, 5. new circle of friends, 6. new/ first baby??????? 7. new locations of Target AND Bed Bath and Beyond!!!) Really--how much can one's system take?? I have to put my faith in Him and know that He sees my forever and is pleased.


Meghan said...

Don't worry about anyone else. If you're at peace with your decision, then congratulations! You'll make a great mom whenever it happens.

Ananda Devika said...

Hi Jen! One of Meghan's friends here... blame her for this:
Tag, you're it, Jen! 1) Post these rules before you give your facts
2) List 8 random facts about yourself
3) At the end of your post, choose (tag) 8 people and list their names, linking to them
4) Leave a comment on their blog, letting them know they've been tagged.

See mine at