Monday, February 4, 2008

Four months and a whole new world

It was four months ago that I wrote in this blog. I cannot believe how much time slipped by. In the past four months, so much has changed. I updated my profile and I had to completely change most of it and start over. Fitting.

Let's start by describing the last month: hmm- 4 weeks, 3 living arrangements, 2 trips for work and one less- than- sane land lord. First of all, I should have listened to my college law professor when he said, 'if in doubt, get it in writting'. Yeah, not so much. Then again, how would anyone expect the verbal agreement to rent a bedroom and bath turn into sleeping on a couch in an apartment? Could anyone have expected the house accidentally set on fire? Could anyone had noticed the slippery slope of landlord sending one on to a vacant apartment only to slowly move in herself- therefore nudging you to spend your nights on a couch I recognized from a comp set in the neighboring HoJo?? Looking back, I was too nice, too accommodating. I thought it would be fine- it was just temporary. Not temporary enough.

It's better now- got a hotel room- got internet- got cable- GOT A BED! It's a beautiful thing.

So welcome to Kansas City, Jen. Other than the 'process' (my PG term for cluster f**k) it's taken me to get settled, I like the city. I like my job and I've met great young non-profit yong professionals. They're a lot like the people I left at home in Omaha-

Let's see, my job-- I am a Heart Walk Director for the Heart Association. I work with companies who understand the need for their employees to get involved in the community, focus on thier wellness and celebrate/ honor those who have fought/ who are fighting for their lives due to cadiovascular disease. I encourage companies to form company teams, raise money and participate in the Start! Campaign and Heart Walk. Its my first time in the non profit world- it's the first time I've ever had the word 'sale' sustituted by the word 'ask'. It's the first time I've really had a job that I went out to get. Not just applied for, but it was the only job I cared for in KC. I think I want it more than they want me- even now.

Dear friends I do want to mention, I've seen the power in prayer. Chris and I have managed to sell our house in the worst housing market in decades! It's not all done, but we should close Feb. 28th- yes we lost a couple thou on the deal, but we're making it up on the other side. God moved the mountains to sell our house. It sat for 4 months with not one person looking at it. Then a couple people came out of no where and one couple saw it and put an offer on it that afternoon. Truely amazing!

Tonights prayers: thank you for a beautiful, 70 degree day in Feb., bless those I met today and those I will meet tomorrow. Thank you for my husband who is working harder than he should, thank you for the opportunities to be the best I can be- and for the strength to fulfull those opportunities. Thank you for the chance to close on our beautiful KC house on Thursday. Thank you for the idea to blog again.

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