Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I'm feeling much better than yesterday- I'm glad I vented, I'm glad I prayed! Today I woke up early and worked out (something I realized I had regretted to do for almost 2 1/2 weeks with travel and over-all pure laziness) and also had some incredibly productive meetings in the office. Hopefully the energy will continue- we are all so crazy busy!!

Today, I stepped into Hy-Vee and had to stop dead in my tracks-- in front of me were tables and tables of HALLOWEEN CANDY & DECOR!! Should I remind you it's only Aug. 21st??? Who buys this stuff this early??? Really!! I always seem to remember a Halloween years ago where the holiday was canceled due to 8 in. snow and ice on the ground. The storm had caused power lines to go down and lots of outages. To think right now it's about 94 with high humidity and we are discussing a holiday that could bring snow. The crazier thing is, that by the time Halloween is gone, Christmas will be in full swing! EEK! I refuse to think that far down the line-- seriously Hallmark let's take a breather in November, ok?

Monday, August 20, 2007

No title today-- this post doesn't deserve one. I feel beat up and mopey, like I just want to stay home and curl up in the fetal position. Nothing huge, just feel like nothing is going very easily for me and I want to feel sorry for myself. Lately I've noticed I'm taking too many short cuts in life- that I'm not willing to do the work when I should be more diligent- probably the reason things are coming back around and biting me in the ass. I can't seem to get up in the morning to make to the gym, and being self-indulgent and lazy. I don't need a vacation, frankly I don't know what I need. I just need to get over myself. Sometimes my normalcy turns to utmost boredom. I'm being random and I don't really care.

I pray things will start looking up. I pray I can get some motivation again- some honest to goodness excitement. Fall is coming, I love the chillier temps. We had a really bad storm come through and the temperature dropped 20+ degrees. That was nice.

Overall today sucked, but this is when people say the cliches like "tomorrow's a clean slate"- not so much since the same crap I left on my desk will still be there in the morning. Oh well- I appreciate the opportunity to rant.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

the house that won't move

Like millions of Americans I have a house up for sale that will not move in this market. Today we had our third unsuccessful open house- and like the one before it, NO ONE came! I truly believe it's a waiting game. There are another 27 other houses up for sale in my neighborhood! We all look the same, we are all priced the same, we all have similar amenities (fences, landscaping, security systems, etc.) At some point someone will look at mine and like it the best. It's just nuts! The WORST part about it is that they are building and selling another 200 of them less than 5 MILES from us!!! I really should have bought an existing home.
Last night I saw some long lost friends at a party for my old roommate, Jill. It's funny, I look around and see a lot of things that have changed in us all and I see a lot that has not. It's hard not to miss the old days- but they don't come back when and how you want, so the point is to stay positive about the days and people you have in front of you. I really believe it you focus on the horizon, the right things will come into your path. It's when you start to look down that you will trip and fall.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

On my way out of Chi-town

Just about to leave Chicago today and I'm very thankful I've had such a great week! Great connections, great experiences, great time--
Now it's back to the plane and eventually back home. I went around today and took photos of all the things I forgot to take pictures of all week since I had some time to kill. I'll have to upload them when I get home.
Last night we saw Natalie Cole (daughter of Nat King Cole)- it was a fantastic concert against a beautiful skyline. We all had a blast- Kathy Rosene and everyone from the CVB and neighboring hotels have really made this trip great for me!
Walking around Chicago, I firmly believe I am a city girl-- I love the hussle of people, the towering buildings, even the noise- what other people find annoying, I love. I'm definately going to come back here- a lot. Maybe next time I'll be able to afford it! ;)

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Wicker Park

Today I threw caution to the wind as I made my way to Wicker Park here in Chicago. I grabbed the red line, transferred to the blue line and got off on Milwaukee and Division. My mother's advice in my head as I should have had a "buddy", I decided it was wrong of me, insulting of me, to sit in my hotel room all day. So, I took the advice of a great waitress and went to Wicker! The area was pretty cool- not as shiny as the downtown area, but I found this FANTASTIC middle eastern cafe and had a phenomenal hummus wrap then did some shopping at this gallery for local artists where the door dog had twice the voice as he did body weight.
I finally made my way back, probably going two to three blocks out of my way, but made it back safe. I hooked up with Kathy from our CVB, finding her among 5000 other convention attendees. It was truly like finding a needle in the hay stack! We went to the opening reception (which, side note, had go-go dancers! Where Vegas met w/ Chicago...) and then went to dinner.
I like the city- it's full of life- great people and TONS to do! In Omaha we get so excited about one or two things going on at the same time, that's how it is ALL the time in Chicago! I think I'll come back when I can afford it, though- now, at least where I'm staying, I don't think I could have afforded the hotel room.
By the was, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are somewhere in the city. She's filming a movie and he's back from jury duty... There's been sitings but no confirmation where they may be staying. (The local news is on this story and I am riveted ). In any case, they could be hiding behind flag poles for all I know- they are so small!
In any case, the convention starts tomorrow and I am really excited to see how this really goes with all of us from different hotels/ motivations. I truly hope we can unite in our front.

Friday, August 10, 2007

The new and the old

Tonight I'm sitting in a hotel room in Chicago reviewing the new and the old that have so far convened in my life. First, I'm in Chicago- that's new. Never visited the windy city and so far it's not too bad. After my flight I had the ride from hell to the hotel (I HATE taxi's-- I don't know what it is about them- I think it's the smell does it for me) but the driver HAD to go 80 mph then slam on the breaks every 4-5 seconds. If anyone has ever visited Jamaica, this was very similar to the ride from the airport to the resort-- both times, I felt every move in my stomach.

Also, I picked up dried dragon fruit at this great natural store: Trader Joe's-- kinda tastes like a very seedy raspberry- but they're big!
The old came with a phone call tonight- my old friend Julie is coming back to live in Omaha this week! She had been living in California since spring-- and it's going to be so great having her back home!! The Omaha young professional world hasn't felt the same without her!
Also there is the old feeling of being "husband-less"- Chris is in O'Neill, NE doing his rural rotation for the next two months. This Chicago trip is preventing me from seeing him this weekend, so that sucks. He witnessed the tornado that went through the area last night. He said it was really cool- but scary. Currently, our marriage is reduced to 4- minute phone calls, texting and emails since he does not have ANY cell service in O'Neill-- only pay phones on the highway and since he has the laptop, I can only text him. It's so sad...

Otherwise, all else is going well-- the KC area is looking more and more viable, now it's deciding on the group and ultimately, our time- line. I really want to nail it down, but I'm kinda glad we're not-- I don't want to feel like I'm leaving.
In any case, I'm focusing on the city of Chicago-- I'm really excited about finding out more. I love just walking around and discovering, and thanks to Terry for letting me borrow his laptop, I'll be able to report all of it here!