Monday, February 11, 2008

I am finally in my new house in KC!!! I am done with the rentals!! YEA!! Chris came in this weekend and delivered a bed and I'm now reunited with my dresser (...and it feels so good!)

This weekend we saw Phantom of the Opera in Omaha- purhaps my last theater show in the Big 'O'- it was fantastic, even though we had the cheap seats. As we were leaving dinner at M's Pub I saw my dear friend James! I was so excited to see him again! He was my boss in my life before last and taught me everything and nothing at the same time-- either way, I will never forget him!

My husband proved his greatness again by coming to my rescue in sacrificing his time. I was thinking about all he means to me and I put together a list of 53 reasons wh I love Christopher Hanson. Here is #20-30:
20. He knows what he wants and he goes out to get it
21. He’s convicted in his faith
22. He’s wonderfully sensitive
23. He kisses my eye balls
24. He kills spiders
25. He allows me to cry
26. He moved to Kansas City instead of a small town Nebraska
27. He swears he knows the words to songs even when he is blatantly wrong-so he just jokingly sings them louder
28. He loves to take me out on romantic dates
29. He can dress well on his own
30. He always gets me dark chocolate Godiva chocolates for Christmas, evenwhen I tell him not to (he knows I don’t mean it)

I'm looking forward to having him here with me in KC! I can't wait to start our lives here--

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where are you????