Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I love movie trailers- I wish I could be a movie critic. I would probably like too many of them to be seen as a true 'critic'. Nothing frustrates me more than the inability to download them though and this is my sad reality tonight. Nothing good is on TV, except for the constant Super Tuesday insanity. Just saw Obama got the 10th state- Hillary is at 7 I think. Good for him- I hope he wins.
Today was a good day, I guess. Woke up at 8:15 though- thank God I didn't have a morning meeting. Last night the power went out and when I set the clock at 7pm, I had actually set it for 7am- therefore my alarm (set exactly for 6am) gave my neighbors a fantastic buzzer alert at 6pm. Other than that and the cold temps, it was an ok day.
So about this baby kick lately- not sure exctly where it came from. I guess now that I'm getting into the job a bit more, the house in Omaha and the one here are both moving forward- plus it doesn't hurt that I'll have my insurance starting next month- I guess I feel like it's a good time. It also could be the constant inquiries as to when and why we don't have kids. In the hotel world kids were kind of an incovienence or a reason not to stay out too late. Now they are the topic of nearly every conversation in the non-profit world. Like everything else though, it's on God's time table. He knows when we're ready.
Right now the weather sucks! It's getting very icy-- I'd hope for a snow day but I've got a busy day tomorrow and will probably go in no matter what. That's the kind of employee I am, I guess. Or I need to feel good about work to feel good about myself. Hmm-- deep.

To quote a childhood T-shirt: God Made Me- and He Don't make no Junk
God bless my parents...

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