Saturday, August 11, 2007

Wicker Park

Today I threw caution to the wind as I made my way to Wicker Park here in Chicago. I grabbed the red line, transferred to the blue line and got off on Milwaukee and Division. My mother's advice in my head as I should have had a "buddy", I decided it was wrong of me, insulting of me, to sit in my hotel room all day. So, I took the advice of a great waitress and went to Wicker! The area was pretty cool- not as shiny as the downtown area, but I found this FANTASTIC middle eastern cafe and had a phenomenal hummus wrap then did some shopping at this gallery for local artists where the door dog had twice the voice as he did body weight.
I finally made my way back, probably going two to three blocks out of my way, but made it back safe. I hooked up with Kathy from our CVB, finding her among 5000 other convention attendees. It was truly like finding a needle in the hay stack! We went to the opening reception (which, side note, had go-go dancers! Where Vegas met w/ Chicago...) and then went to dinner.
I like the city- it's full of life- great people and TONS to do! In Omaha we get so excited about one or two things going on at the same time, that's how it is ALL the time in Chicago! I think I'll come back when I can afford it, though- now, at least where I'm staying, I don't think I could have afforded the hotel room.
By the was, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are somewhere in the city. She's filming a movie and he's back from jury duty... There's been sitings but no confirmation where they may be staying. (The local news is on this story and I am riveted ). In any case, they could be hiding behind flag poles for all I know- they are so small!
In any case, the convention starts tomorrow and I am really excited to see how this really goes with all of us from different hotels/ motivations. I truly hope we can unite in our front.

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