Sunday, August 19, 2007

the house that won't move

Like millions of Americans I have a house up for sale that will not move in this market. Today we had our third unsuccessful open house- and like the one before it, NO ONE came! I truly believe it's a waiting game. There are another 27 other houses up for sale in my neighborhood! We all look the same, we are all priced the same, we all have similar amenities (fences, landscaping, security systems, etc.) At some point someone will look at mine and like it the best. It's just nuts! The WORST part about it is that they are building and selling another 200 of them less than 5 MILES from us!!! I really should have bought an existing home.
Last night I saw some long lost friends at a party for my old roommate, Jill. It's funny, I look around and see a lot of things that have changed in us all and I see a lot that has not. It's hard not to miss the old days- but they don't come back when and how you want, so the point is to stay positive about the days and people you have in front of you. I really believe it you focus on the horizon, the right things will come into your path. It's when you start to look down that you will trip and fall.

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