Monday, August 20, 2007

No title today-- this post doesn't deserve one. I feel beat up and mopey, like I just want to stay home and curl up in the fetal position. Nothing huge, just feel like nothing is going very easily for me and I want to feel sorry for myself. Lately I've noticed I'm taking too many short cuts in life- that I'm not willing to do the work when I should be more diligent- probably the reason things are coming back around and biting me in the ass. I can't seem to get up in the morning to make to the gym, and being self-indulgent and lazy. I don't need a vacation, frankly I don't know what I need. I just need to get over myself. Sometimes my normalcy turns to utmost boredom. I'm being random and I don't really care.

I pray things will start looking up. I pray I can get some motivation again- some honest to goodness excitement. Fall is coming, I love the chillier temps. We had a really bad storm come through and the temperature dropped 20+ degrees. That was nice.

Overall today sucked, but this is when people say the cliches like "tomorrow's a clean slate"- not so much since the same crap I left on my desk will still be there in the morning. Oh well- I appreciate the opportunity to rant.

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