Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hang On

My house has been on the market for officially 8 days and NO activity. Not one phone call, not one visit, not even one realitor stopped in during the real estate caravan- nothing. It's like it doesn't even exist- and yet I'm developing OCD when it comes to cleaning and staging. We take my dogs to my parents daily, just in case someone wants to stop in and I can't leave work to get them. I make the bed, vaccum, pick up everything, do the dishes, wipe down counter tops, clear the bathroom counters and dust almost every day. It's such a hassle to have the house visitor- ready EVERY DAY- and for what?! Chris helps when he can, but his studies are calling. After this weekend I fear he will not have any time for the extra things, let alone cleaning. I believe this will be a long haul, people. I just have to tell myself to hang on.

I found out today that my friend from work had her apartment broken in last night. The theif stole her laptop, digital camera, phone charger (who knew this would be of value- I mean, come on, unless you have the same Sprint Model A4000B-12 how could you use it- oh well, I guess when you're in a mad frantic search for things to steal, one grabs anything you can plug in...) They also stole her DVD player and printer (which she had so richly deserved as it was a gift from our client who didn't need it anymore- not expensive, but a memory).
When I heard about the ordeal, I was so hurt for her- thank God I've never had my house broken in to- but I have my car broken into back in highschool. I felt so violated! I can't imagine what it would have someone ransack your home! Of course, I was one of those people who tried to comfort her by reminding her it was just "stuff" and that she was lucky she was not hurt or anything, but I know my words fell of deaf ears, and I don't blame her. She's single, new to the area, new apartment in what is supposed to be a "up and coming" part of our city- and this is what happens. Worse of all, she's a statistic. Theft happens in every city, in every state. All I know is that my friend is fearful right now- and- all I can tell her is to hang on.

1 comment:

Meghan said...

Sounds like a rough week - hopefully things picked up toward the end. Maybe that silly friend who swears she's not ignoring you should buy you a drink soon.
-Love, that silly friend who swears she's not ignoring you.