Monday, June 18, 2007

Missing my Rock

Quick blog today, I promise- today was pretty much an uninteresting Monday, but I can feel that I've missed the past two Sundays at church. Just the way their messages fill you- focus you- I can tell that I am without. I'm looking forward to this restful and rejuvenating weekend!

Also, funny thing happened to me on the way home from work- I failed a pregnancy test. Long story short, deterrents are in place, but things break people! A stop at Target, paranoid search in the "weird stuff" aisles, imagined funny looks from people, a duck into the restroom and tah- dah- I'm the same as I was a day ago! I'm relieved, honestly- it would be a huge detour in my life right now. I'm just not ready, but it will happen one day (I promised my mother-in-law).

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